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Tennessee has amazing purchasing power 108 for every 100 Only in #tennessee

Tennessee has amazing purchasing power 108 for every 100 Only in #tennessee

LoveTNLife.com — 9/9/2024 – Tennessee is ranked as one of the best value states according to inflation analysis by Visual Capitalist:

While $100 may seem like it holds the same value across the U.S., that’s far from the reality. The purchasing power of a dollar can vary significantly from state to state, influenced by factors such as the cost of food, utilities, taxes, housing, and transportation.

This map, via Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti, illustrates the purchasing power of $100 by state, using data from GOBankingRates compiled as of February 19, 2024.

Checkout this video we posted on our vlog:


[1] https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/mapping-shocking-purchasing-power-disparity-100-each-us-state

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